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Understanding Quotes

Understanding Quotes

1a) Definition
Quotations are pengambilanalihan one sentence or more of the other writings for purposes of illustration or strengthen the argument in the text itself.
We often use quotations in writing scientific papers.
The materials included in the quote is a material that is not / has not become common knowledge, the results of the latest research and the opinions of someone who is not / has not been umum.jadi opinion, personal opinion tidk should be included as quotes.
In the quote we should mention sumbernya.Hal was intended as a statement of tribute unto the opinion cited, and as proof of the truth of citations tersebut.Cara kutioan mention there are 2 ways, the footnote system and the system records directly (note stomach). We must choose one and be consistent.
Citation, a word that might mean all people do not know what. Here I'll review a little about the quote. Quotations are ideas, ideas, opinions taken from various sources. The process of taking an idea called quotes. The idea can be taken from dictionaries, encyclopedias, articles, reports, books, magazines, the Internet, and so forth.

1.b) Principles quote
Sunday, May 30, 2010
1. Pengutip know that the sentence was the wrong word, but not pengutip
should fix it.
2. In excerpts allowed to eliminate the parts quoted on the condition that
removal of parts that did not cause a change of meaning.

1) Eliminate the quote section of less than one paragraph.
The part that is removed is replaced with three spaced dots.
2) Eliminate the quote section of less than one paragraph.
The part that is removed is replaced with three points spaced along the line (from left margin to right margin).
                                  'The police among others, is to give the public servant.'

various citations
There are two ways to cite a direct quotation and indirect quotation, where a direct quote is cited in accordance with the original source, which means that no sentences are changed. Called indirect quotation if quoted by summarizing sentence from the original source, but does not eliminate the original idea of ​​the source.
Examples of direct and indirect kuipan:

Direct quote:
Argumentation is a form of rhetoric that seeks to influence the attitudes and opinions of others, so that they believe and ultimately act in accordance with what the writer or speaker (Keraf, 1983:3).

Indirect quotation
As said by Gorys Keraf (1983:3) that the argument was basically writing aimed at influencing the reader confidence that the writer believes would even want to do what the author says.

1.d) the types of citations are:
Type of Quotation
c.Kutipan the footnote. Footnotes are written list of specific information at the bottom of each sheet or final chapter monograph. Footnotes are used to provide information and comment, explain the source of a quote or to guide the preparation of the reading list / bibliography.
d.Kutipan the verbal utterance.
e.Kutipan in the quote.
f. Direct quote in the material.
Direct 1.Kutipan
Direct quotations are the exact same quote with the original text, there should be no perubahan.Kalau there are things that are wrong / dubious, we put a (sic), which means we simply quote the same as the original and is not responsible for any errors itu.Demikian also if we adjust the spelling, giving capital letters, underline, or italics, we need to explain it, eg [italics pengutip], [spelling adjusted to EYD], etc..
If the quotes are wrong letter or word and then corrected by pengutip, should be used letters elbow [..... ].
2. Excerpt indirectly (Excerpt Content)
In indirect quotation we just take the essence of the opinion that we do not directly written kutip.Kutipan blend with the text that we make and do not have to be enclosed with the source petik.Penyebutan footnote system, the system can also record directly (note stomach).
c.Kutipan the footnote.
 Footnotes are written list of specific information at the bottom of each sheet or final chapter monograph. Footnotes are used to provide information and comment, explain the source of a quote or to guide the preparation of the reading list / bibliography.

d.Kutipan the verbal utterance.
Must be certified first by the speaker or his secretary (if
           an official speaker). Can be inserted into the text as a
           direct quotations or indirect quotations.

e.Kutipan in the quote.
It sometimes happens that there are more citations in the quote. In this case can be taken two ways:
              - If the original quote did not use quotation marks, citations in the citation may use single quotes or double quotes. When the original quote using single quotes, quotes in quotation using double quotes.
              - Conversely, if the original quote using double quotes, quotations within quotations use single quotes.

f. Direct quote in the material.
Direct quotation begins with a quotation of material to nearest stop, (can be a comma, semicolon, or period) followed by the insertion of explanatory who is speaking.

2a) How to write a footnote, the order is as follows.
1. the author or the author's name (not reversed)
2. titles
3. where published
4. publisher name
5. in publications written in the brackets
6. then include the page number where the information was recorded.
 In a monograph written footnotes at the bottom of the page, was given a special room. Footnotes to testify a quote on a monograph. Example footnote:
Footnotes to the book begins with the author's name followed by a comma, the title of the book (written with initial capital letters and bold or italicized), serial number, volume and number of prints (if any), city of publisher (followed by a colon), issuer name ( followed by coma), and year of publication (in parentheses and end with a dot).

Footnote to the article and the magazine begins with an author's name, title of article, name of journal, magazine number if applicable, date of publication, and page numbers. If from the same source cited again, the written footnote ibid. (Short ibidum) which means exactly the same source with a footnote on it. So similar to ditto or sda. For sources that have inserted another source, used the term op. cit. (Short for opere citato). For the source of the magazines and newspapers that have inserted another source used the term loc. cit. (Short for loco citato).
Example: 4 Mochtar Naim,'' Why People Minang Going away?'' Tempo, January 31, 1975, p. 36.
Sample papers: 12 Suara Merdeka, August 29, 2005, p. 4.
Footnote from the internet

Example: 11 Richard Whittle, "High Sea Piracy: Crisis in Aden", Aviation Today, accessed from , on July 26, 2009 at 11:32

I. Bibliography
1. Understanding Bibliography
Bibliography is a list of titles. the articles. and other publishing materials. having ties with an essay or essay sehagian and was wrought. For the layman. References may be trivial, but a candidate for a graduate degree. or scorang scholars. list of literature that is a very important hat.
Through a literature list is included at the end of the article. scholars or intellectuals can look back to the original source. They can determine whether the source is in fact the content of the discussion has affinities with it, and whether the material was quoted correctly or not. And at the same time in a way that readers can expand the horizon of their knowledge as well with a variety of reference it.
In the chapter on data collection and processing are also described how mcmpergunakan kcpustakaan. And how to collect the necessary data through tick cards. In this connection. method used to collect these data (ie using a typewriter card cmX12.5 measuring 10 cm) can be used to collect data in developing a scientific ketengkapan.
2. Functions Bibliography
The function of a Bibliography should clearly be distinguished from the functions of a footnote. References to footnotes are used to refer to the source and a statement or speech that is used in the text. Therefore it should be pointed reference to the right place. where readers can find a statement or saying it. In this case other than the author, the title of the book and so on. should be included pu / a page number where the statement or speech can be read. Instead a Bibliography provides an important description of the book, magazine, newspaper as a whole. Because it functions footnotes and Bibliography entirely overlap each other.
On the other hand Bibliography can also be seen, and other establishments. that it serves as a complement and a footnote. References why it can also be seen as a complement? Because if a reader wants to know more about the references contained in the footnotes. then he can look in the References. In the Bibliography can find complete descriptions of the book or magazine.
3. Elements of Bibliography
For a good preparation so that no difficulty in preparing bibiografi, each author must tahui points which should be noted. The most important principal that must be included in the Bibliography are:
(1) Name the author, is quoted in full.
(2) title of book, including additional titles.
(3) Data publication: publisher, place published, date of publication, print the number, volume number, and thickness (number of pages) book.
(4) For a required article in question is also the title of article, journal name, vol. number and year.
4. Form Bibliography
a. With an author
Hockett. Charles F. A Course in Modern Linguistics. New York: The Mac Millan Company. , 1963.
b. Dengun book two or three authors
Oliver. Robert T.. and Rupert L. Cortright. New Training for Effective Speech. New York: Henry Holt and Company, Inc.., 1958
c. Book with many authors
Morris, Alton C. et. al. College English, the First Year. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World. Inc., 1964
To replace the names of other writers fairly in-use abbreviations eta!. and the Latin abbreviation et alii meaning and others. In this case can be used abbreviation et. al. or colleagues (and friends).
d. If the issue areas: kutnya changes
Gleason, H. A. An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics. Rev. ed.New York: Holt. Rinehart and Winston. , 1961.
e. The book comprises two volumes or more, and
Intensive Course in English. 5 vols. Washington: English Language Service. inc .. , 1964.
(1) Figures placed after the title of its volumes. and separated by a dot, and always abbreviated.
f. An edition and the work of an author or! Ore
g. A set of Bunga Rampai or anthology
h. A Book Translation
i. Artike! in a set
j. Artike! in Ensik / opedi
5. Miscellaneous Bibliography
a. Basic books: a book that is used as a general orientation on the subject that it worked.
b. Special books: the books used by the authors to look for materials that are directly related to the subject matter under cultivation.
c. Supplementary books: books that other topic of the topics the author cultivated.

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