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Senin, Desember 24

contoh late delivery letter

Example:Late Delivery
Cisalak Pasar 1 Street
Cimanggis , Depok 16953

Desember 10, 2012
PT.Indonesia Garment
Jln.Merdeka Raya no.30
Jakarta 12300

Dear Sirs,
We inform you that our order goods do not arrive within the agreed time.
 In your letter No. 13 dated December 5, order items we will come no later than December 7, In fact, our order items are newly arrived on December 10, means that the delivery of our luggage was delayed 3 days from the date specified in your letter.
 This delay certainly have a major impact for our company because our customers expressed to divert its cooperation with other companies. Things like this is a big loss for us.
Of course, this does not delay as we expect repeated in the future because if you can not keep the agreement again then with a heavy heart we had to find another company as our business partners.      


Kelompok 3

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