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Senin, Desember 24

tugas 3 bahasa inggris bisnis 1(kelompok 3)

KELOMPOK 3 (4 KB 02)
2.      M.HASAN
6.      ERWIN

 Example: Complaint Letter
1 Mawar Street
Losari, Depok 52255

Desember 15, 2012
PT.Indonesia Garment
Jln.Merdeka Raya no.30
Jakarta 12300

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have ordered 12 packs consist of 12 clothes of new modeled Trusmi Batik  on your Boutique which I ordered by phone on September 11. I received the order on September 14.  When I received those packs of Batik, there was one packs missing. I only got 11 packs of 12 packs that I ordered. To know whether there was one pack missing, you can check the  amount of Batik whcih  left  your Butique stock.

To resolve that problem, I would like you to send me one pack of modeled Trusmi Batik like I ordered before. Or if the pack of modeled Tursmi batik which I ordered had been ordered by somebody else, I hope you give me back the money for the amount charge of the Tursmi Batik pack.

I have been your costumer for long time, and you know it as well. This the first time I get the problem like this relate to your service. If you need to contact me, you can call me at 0857444449.



Example : Reply Of Complaint Letter
Desember 25, 2010

PT.Real Madrid
Jl.Radar Auri no.13

Dear Sirs,

 You've ordered 12 packs consist of 12 new outfits modeled on Trusmi Batik Boutique you that you order by phone on September 11. you received the order on September 14. When you accept all packets Batik, there is a missing package.
We admit that an error in the calculation of clothes that we send to you.
To overcome the problem, we will send you a pack of Batik Trusmi modeled as you book in advance.

Yours sincerely,

(Trusmi batik)

Damage good letter
Cisalak Pasar 1 Street
Cimanggis , Depok 16953

Desember 15, 2012
PT.Indonesia Garment
Jln.Merdeka Raya no.30
Jakarta 12300

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have booked a number of jersey. but the jersey that I received does not match the jersey that is in the example.
My customer complains that my jersey dress shirt jersey jerseynya incompatible with examples.
How do I explain to them? whether there is accountability for the quality of your company shirt I received.


kelompok 3

Reply of damaged good
Margonda, Depok 16953

Desember 22, 2012
PT.Kelompok 3
Jln.Radar Auri no 13
Depok 12300

Dear Sir or Madam

In response to your letter of complaint about the inconsistency of quality clothes and clothes jersey jersey sample order, we can explain as follows.
Our jersey dress is not as nice as the example jersey dress. because we're ease costs. clothing materials that we use are going to rise while the prices do not we dress our jersey Rev.
 We apologize for our mistake and thank you for your criticism and your notification. All that we will use as a trigger to produce a better product. We promise, as much as possible this incident is the first and last resort for us.


(PT.Indonesia Garment)

Example:Late Delivery
Cisalak Pasar 1 Street
Cimanggis , Depok 16953

Desember 10, 2012
PT.Indonesia Garment
Jln.Merdeka Raya no.30
Jakarta 12300

Dear Sirs,
We inform you that our order goods do not arrive within the agreed time.
 In your letter No. 13 dated December 5, order items we will come no later than December 7, In fact, our order items are newly arrived on December 10, means that the delivery of our luggage was delayed 3 days from the date specified in your letter.
 This delay certainly have a major impact for our company because our customers expressed to divert its cooperation with other companies. Things like this is a big loss for us.
Of course, this does not delay as we expect repeated in the future because if you can not keep the agreement again then with a heavy heart we had to find another company as our business partners.      


Kelompok 3

Reply of Late Delivery
Desember 15, 2012

To ,
PT.Kelompok 3
Jln.Radar Auri no.13
Jakarta 12300

Dear Sirs,

In response to the complaint about the delay in delivery of the goods you order, we can explain that you ordered items on dated 5 December and received on dated 10 December while we promise promise you ordered items arrive in 2 days but have experienced delays that happen because of our delivery service use is experiencing overload so that your ordered items has been delayed.
Thus our explanation.
Even so, we apologize for our mistake and thank you for your criticism and notifications. We will pursue our next shipment on time.
 For your attention, we thank you.


(PT.Indonesia Garment)

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